Embark on a heartfelt musical odyssey as we journey to the enchanting shores of “Camilla, by the Sea.” This poignant waltz, crafted together with the brilliant mind of Josh Johnston, invites us to immerse ourselves in a world where love and nostalgia converge. Allow the melodies to carry you away, as we explore the evocative tales woven within this captivating composition.
A Serendipitous Cliffside Encounter
Step back in time to a sun-kissed summer, where destiny intertwines amidst breathtaking cliffs. Witness the ethereal sight of Camilla, gracefully dancing barefoot on tiptoes, as the narrator’s heart becomes entwined with hers. Embrace the gentle sway of the waltz as their fateful connection unfolds.
A Yearning Echo Across the Waves
Let your heart resonate with the chorus, a tender plea echoing across the vast expanse of the sea. Dive into the depths of emotion as the narrator longs to know if Camilla still graces the dance floor of life. Feel the ache of longing and the power of their shared memories, beautifully conveyed through heartfelt vocals and poetic lyrics.
Whiskey-Weathered Love
Explore the complexities of love beyond age and time in this soul-stirring verse. Discover how the narrator’s passion blossoms, regardless of the age difference between them. Revel in the harmonious blend of tender melodies and raw emotions, as the waltz carries us through the crescendo of their heartfelt connection.
A Transient Truce
Pause for reflection within the haunting beauty of the bridge. Amidst their shared moments of intimacy, the unavoidable truth emerges – their love was destined to face the tides of change. Allow the evocative harmonies to resonate, as the lyrics acknowledge the fleeting nature of their affair.
Whispers of Camilla’s Memory
Wander through the corridors of time as the narrator muses on the path Camilla’s life has taken. Curiosity lingers in the air, pondering if she still holds a special place for the narrator in her heart. Let the tender lyrics and melancholic melodies wash over you, evoking a tapestry of emotions woven through the passage of years.
Blossoms by the Seaside Grave
Embrace the poignant finale as we arrive at Camilla’s final resting place. Visualize the delicate blossoms that grace her seaside grave, symbolizing her tranquility and peace. Let the music gently ebb and flow, guiding us to a place of acceptance and tender remembrance.
“Camilla, by the Sea” is a testament to the enduring power of love and the profound impact it leaves on our souls. Through Josh Johnston’s and my composition, we are transported to a realm where melodies and emotions intertwine, leaving an indelible mark on our hearts.
ISRIC: DEYX82139313 ISWC: T-313.407.618-5
Camilla by the Sea
I met you a-many-a-summers ago when I saw you up a small clif You were dancing bare feet on the tips of your toes And I was a-smoking a spliff
Oh Camilla, oh stranger who lives by the sea so plain and playful and free Oh Camilla, my love in a house by the sea Are you still a-dancing for me?
You were a-many-a-moons older than me But aged like good whiskey or wine And love doesn’t know any age for god’s sake So, that night I made you a-mine
Oh Camilla, oh Woman who lives by the sea So ripe and ready and free Oh Camilla, my love in a house by the sea Are you still a-fancy me?
We spent a-many-a-tides of our time Foremost in the bed at your house We knew from the start this would come to an end When I would return to my a-spouse
Oh Camilla, oh Lady who lives by the sea so wild and willing and free Oh Camilla, my love in a house by the sea Are you still a-pitying me
I thought a-many-a-suns of my life What happened to my gal at the coast Is she still enjoying her time And is she still a comforting host
Oh Camilla, oh hermit who lives by the sea so kind and caring and free Oh Camilla, my love in a house by the sea Are you still a-waiting for me
I saw a-many-a-clouds ago When I sat at your house at the waves Camilla blossoms grew all about A- surrounding the edge of your grave
Oh Camilla, oh Flower who lays by the sea so patient and peaceful and free Oh Camilla, my love in a house by the sea I will remember a-thee I will remember a-thee